At Least 166 Workers Lose Their Lives in May

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According to the Laborers’ Health and Occupation Safety Assembly (İSİG), at least 166 workers lost their lives in May. The number of workers who lost their lives in occupation homicides in the first five months in 2018 has become 754.
Of the workers who lost their lives in May, 10 were women and 156 were men. 14 child workers five of whom were aged under 14 lost their lives
14 child workers, six refugee workers lost their lives
Of the workers who lost their lives, 10 were women and 156 were men. The occupational homicides of women occurred in fields of agriculture, textile, health and accommodation.
14 child workers five of whom were aged under 14 lost their lives.
Six refugee/immigrant workers lost their lives. Five of the workers were from Syria and one was from Hungary.
Occupational homicides in 46 cities
Occupational homicides occurred in 46 cities in Turkey this month. The highest number of occupational homicides took place in İstanbul, Manisa, Balıkesir, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Gaziantep, Kocaeli and Samsun.
2 of the workers (1.21 percent) were union member whereas 164 (98.79 percent) weren’t. The union member workers were working in the field of chemistry and security.
Names of the workers who lost their lives in May
Murat Çelik, Beşşar Elşeyh, Sebahattin Işık, Naciye Çalışkan, Mehmet Ekinci, Ahmet Dönmez, Samet Tekin, Volkan Çanakçı, Mustafa Fırat Göral, Hayri Kar, Kerem İncedayı, İsmail Çelik, Alaattin Demirci, Halit Erdal, Ahmet Yamaç, Yaşar Çatal, Serhat Batur, Melahat D., Mehmet Aslan, Durdu Çetin, Yusuf Kıdat, Yunus Çolak, Bahri Akman, Hasan Kol, Mustafa Almez, Hasan Aşan, Faik Şekerci, Mehmet Uğur, Hadiye Öztürk, Halil Dönmez, Ali Yılmaz, Yakup Kel, İslam Öztemel, Mustafa Çam, Hogır Kayran, Mustafa Özgan, Yılmaz Elvan, Halil Öztürk, Dayip Öztürk, Şükran Akdemir, Dursun Uzun, Fikri Büyüker, Yılmaz Bozkurt, Agit Güler, Mehmet Zeyrek, Ramazan Buday, Sedat Ay, Cahit Karadağ, Mehmet Karadağ, Mahiye Çetin, Hamit İnce, Muhammet Çetin, Ahmet Türk, Suat Kara, Ahmet Ayrancı, Muammer Bedez, Ömer Karaaslan, Mehmet Özgen, Ayhan Orta, Gökhan Cengiz, Emre Özcan, Nurhan Doğan, Murat Yalçın, Melih Şahin, Salih Gönül, İsmail Aydemir, Halil İbrahim Gönül, İrfan Kalmuk, Coşkun Yıldız, Sinan Öztürk, Önder Akmeşe, Şakir Çelikoğlu, Fikret Yüce, Resul Yüce, Murat Karter, Sufyan Al Ali, Mehmet Demirkol, Zekeriya Abdullah, Faik Tüysüz, Bahri Öztaş, Yusuf Muhammet Ergenç, Abdurrahman Sarıyıldız, Kasım Tarınç, Güneş Ağdemir, Hasan Gümüş, Bekir Yavuz, Mehmet Tevfik Doğan, Ahmet Hakan Öğütçü, İbrahim Biçer, İbrahim Demir, Hasan Kara, Yaşar Sevinç, Hamit Aksoy, Hasan Kocabaş, Emrullah Peker, Metin Teke, Fuat Gülsün, Mehmet Emin Yıldız, Abit Aydın, Halil Taşçı, Erkan Çetin, Emre Filiz, Eymen Al Huseyin, Ali Kayırtar, Yılmaz Kılıç, Hulusi Cin, Servet Akyürek, Naci Altıntaş, Hayrettin B., Mehmet Ali Şanlı, Ferhat Koç, Veysi Çakır, Bekir Asılı, Behçet Başak, Mehmet Ali Hallaçoğlu, Sedat Dursun, Murat Can, Cengiz Toprak, Kezban Avcı, Adil Atalmış, Atilla Özkılıç, Süleyman Dönmez, Ramazan Salih Keskin, Abdülmecit Tatar, Mehmet Alkan, Hasan Yüksel, Mustafa Öktem, Ali Kaygın, Mehmet Çetinkaya, Bahadır Kopdağ, Muaz Keskin, Ahmet Tozgun, İhsan Eker, Alaeddin Şalvi, Volkan Temel, Ömer Gülşer, Mehmet Yatmaz, Abdurrahman Yasak, Züleyha Koymatoğlu, Selçuk Çömlek, Burak Genç, Civan Kahraman, İsmail Semih Kaynak, Barış Özüm, Aliekber Kumak, Nuran Demircioğlu, Saliha Aybüke, Burcu Aslan, Mehmet Vehbi Kaplan, Cihan Toplar, Gökmen Taşkıran, Ercan Kılıç, Üzeyir Kocatürk, Sezgin Özbey, Erol Kacur, Kadir Tanaç, Erhan Yazkan, Aykut Kbakçıoğlu, Orhan Fındık, Turan Küçükkaya, Gözel Öcal , five unidentified workers. (BK/TK)