International Land Mine Banning Campaign released its annual report for 2013.
Signing the International Treat to Ban Land Mines, Turkey as yet to fulfill its requirements. Though, Turkey received an extended deadline of 8 years, which worried anti-land mine groups.
3520 land mine fields
The report has been presented by Muteber Öğreten from Mayınsız Bir Türkiye Girişimi (A Turkey Without Land Mines Initiative)
Some of the highlights from the report are as follows:
* Turkey demolished 3 million land mines from its stocks. However, Turkey still keeps 15,000 anti-personel type land mines for “educational purposes”, a toll that ranks Turkey as second in this category.
* There are estimably 3,520 land mine fields across a land of 214.7 square kilometers in Turkey.
* Previously, the total number of land mines exceeded 1,003,943 in Turkey. Between 2004 and now, experts say that 26,021 were removed. However, it is uncertain whether those lands are available for use.
24 dead, 45 injured in 2012
* In 2012, at least 24 people died and 45 were injured to land mine related incidents in Turkey.
*No support programs exist for those who survived the incident as well as family members of casualties.
* Considered as cost-efficient, land mines are very expensive to remove: Each land mine costs 4,678 liras to be removed.
* No national institutions exist regarding taking action.
General convicted of land mines placement orders
In 2009, 7 Turkish Army soldiers were killed in Çukurca, Hakkari province due to a land mine. Initially, authorities supposed that it was placed by PKK guerrillas. However, a follow-up investigation by Van chief prosecutor found out that the land mine was placed by the order of Turkish Armed Forces. A court found General Zeki Es guilty for giving the order, sentenced him to 6 years and 8 months of prison. (NV/BM)