Artists Discharged from İstanbul City Theaters Back on The Job After Almost 4 Years

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Discharged from İstanbul City Theaters affiliated with the Metropolitan Municipality of İstanbul, artists have been back on the job after 3 years, 7 months, the Actors' Union of Turkey has announced on Twitter.
Among the artists who have returned to their jobs is also Levent Üzümcü, who was dismissed on the ground that he supported Gezi Resistance.
Actors' Union has said on Twitter, "Our members who were unjustly dismissed 3 years, 7 months ago have returned to their jobs at City Theaters today! We would like to extend our thanks to our friends who demanded their rights to the end and to everyone who contributed to this struggle."
3 yıl 7 ay önce haksız şekilde işlerine son verilen üyelerimiz, bugün Şehir Tiyatroları'ndaki işlerine geri döndü! Hakkını sonuna kadar arayan arkadaşlarımıza ve bu mücadelede emeği geçen herkese teşekkür ederiz #BaşrolDayanışmanın #İBBŞT #İBB
— Oyuncular Sendikası (@oyuncusendika) March 5, 2020
Levent Üzümcü has also tweeted the following message:
"With the people who believe in democracy coming to power at the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality and, therefore, City Theater, the art direction of City Theater wanted me to play in a piece and I have accepted it. As for my lawsuit into my unjust dismissal, it still continues. I will definitely take back my stolen rights and get back home." (AÖ/SD)