A Man Joins Ka-Der's Struggle for Women Rights
"I took this post first and foremost for my wife and my daughter. Because I believe that women would also contribute positively to politics."
The first male to join the executive committee of the Association for the Support and Education of Women Candidates (Ka-Der) Izmir branch, psychotherapist Dr. Ferhan Bicakcilar believes in gender equality in all faces of life.
Ka-Der works for increased participation of women in politics. While Bicakcilar doesn't define himself as "feminist", he's hoping to contribute to this struggle by rendering empathy in fellow men. More over, he's willing to use his expertise as MD in helping women that need help.
His move to join Ka-Der surprised male friends, says Bicakcilar but "support took over in time."
His colleagues in the committee are Melek Bilecen, Nuriye Çelik, Aylin Nazlı, Halenur Ibaz and Necla Çakır.(EÜ)