272 Construction Workers Die in 250 Days

Occupational Health and Safety Council announced that at least 7 construction workers lost their lives in 2014 as of September 7. The tolls indicated that at least one construction worker died throughout the year. Almost all these workers were working under contractions.
According to Occupational Health and Safety Council, at least 1,235 workers lost their lives in 2013. Among those 294 were construction workers.
Cause of death
* 155 workers due to falling
* 50 workers due to crushing or subsidence.
* 17 workers due to electro-shock
* 15 workers due to other reasons (stroke, etc.)
* 13 workers due to traffic or shuttle accident
* 10 workers due to explosions
* 7 workers due to hitting of an object
* 5 construction workers due to poisoning, drowning.
Among those workers included five child workers, nine migrant workers and 52 workers who were in their pensioners/retirement.
Most of the workers who lost their were from Ordu or Central Black Sea region which was followed by workers from Van or with Kurdish background.
Monthly distribution
On January (26 workers), February (35 workers), on March (29 workers), on April (27 workers), on May (32 workers), June (40 workers), July (26 workers), August (40 workers). On the first week of September, 17 construction worker lost their life. (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.