147 Killed on the Job in August

According to a report released by Worker Health and Work Security Assembly, at least 147 workers were killed from work-related injuries in August.
The report has been compiled from various media sources (written, visual, digital) and information from profession/labor organizations, marking a hike on agriculture-related deaths - 34 seasonal agriculture workers and 16 farmers.
Some of the highlights from the report included:
* Construction-related deaths turned out 26 ,
* 14 workers died in transportation, a sector with long working hours up to 18-20 hours per day.
* 21 child workers died in in various sectors - agriculture, trade, food, mining, communication, steel and construction.
* The distribution of workplace mortalities according to location was as follows: Manisa (10), Muğla (9), Adana (8), Bursa (7), Urfa (6).
* Didem Yaylalı (26), an intern judge at Ankara Courthouse reportedly committed suicide due to pressures and removal of professional rights.
According to statistics by Turkey’s Social Security Administration (SGK) at least 745 workers were killed on the job in 2012.
According to another report by Worker Health and Work Security Assembly, at least 848 workers were killed on the job in 2012.
Deaths related to wrong assignment
“In August, contracted working has deepened in health sector. The working conditions of health workers has reached to an ‘unbearable’ level, which requires urgent resolution,” Worker Health and Work Security Assembly’s August report cited.
It focused on the particular cased of Zafer Açıkgözoğlu, a worker in Istanbul Çapa Medical School Hospital who was assigned to clean and unclog pipelines of Emergency Traumatology building on June 14.
“These duties were not in Açıkgözoğlu’s job description. The cleaning operation has been held without any precautions. The incident resulted in the hospitalization of Açıkgözoğlu and 6 other workers suffering from nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,” the report said.
It also criticized the fact that Açıkgözoğlu was assigned to that duty without any precautions.
“The situation of Zafer Açıkgözoğlu became critical. He was admitted to a clinical with various body pain and diarrhea. Diagnosed with acute hepatitis, he had a liver transplant on June 26. His treatment is still underway.” (YY/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.